Saturday, January 15, 2011

Last night I had several odd dreams. Comes from staying up late and staying asleep, I suppose.

The first dream had a boy going down into the deepest depths of the ocean. He had two...helpers? Anyways, they took him all the way down, and then they left him. Alone, in pitch black dark. And then he came up again. They had all thought he was dead.

Then I had a dream that I was in a car driving along the road. Blue whales began breeching along side us, and dolphins jumped.

Then I had a really weird dream with Eddie Murphy in it, and some people were angry at him and his family and we were all going across country to escape. And he was wering orange sunglasses and a white jumpsuit.

That's it for today! Sweet dreams.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Last night was a several dream night. So I'll try to give them in the order I remember having them.

The first dream was certainly influenced by video game. It looks like a mixture of the worlds of Super Mario Sunshine and Ocarina of Time (Zelda). There are several roads, and I have to find my way to the city of Luin, which is a city in Tales of Symphonia. I end up going along several paths, and meeting some people, but apparently I went along the wrong path. There's a big rock blocking one of the paths, which I have to blow up with a bomb. It looks like a Zelda bomb. I find one of my (now deceased) cats there, Tigger. I hug him to shield him from the blast. Neither of us die.

The next dream is one I had before, or something similar to it. There a puzzle I have to solve, and there's these machines with twisting handles. I try to go somewhere else, but a man tells me I have to go back to this place because they close at 6. This time I don't solve the puzzle, but go on to the next dream.

This next one is really weird. I am part of a contest or something. I'm with a girl, possibly my younger sister. Several of the contestants are people I knew in high school, but I couldn't say who. The thing we're looking for though is Owl Milk or Cream of Owl. W both seem to be confused. At first we're hunting outside, but then we end up in a store, where we find it. There's also othe things in the store, including some orange bottles.

Then I woke up. However, I couldn't resist the allure of sleep again, so I had one more dream. It was a strategic game, played with character that were 3D and looked like little people. The had different attributes and apparently they could be put in 4 different modes. Two
of them were "Fearless Leader" and "Warrior". I didn't see what the other two were.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Last night I didn't have many dreams, and the ones I did weren't very interesting and I can only remember pieces now. So instead I will be having an occasional feature:

Facts about dreams and dreamers!!

So, today's fact is about Thomas Edison. As you (hopefully) know he was an inventor. When he was working on a problem he would go to sleep with marbles in his hand. As soon as he fell into REM sleep his hand would relax. Then the marbles would fall. This is because your body want to prevent you from moving in your dreams, so it relaxes you. What this meant is he could remember his dreams almost perfectly, and get insights from them. Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So last night's dream is obvious evidence that I have been playing way too many video games currently. Lately I've been addicted to Tales of Symphonia. Beautiful graphics and there's even a multiplayer option. It's sweet. But back to dreams.

I dreamed there was a healer who healed people, but he could also bring people back from the dead, namely his little brother. According to him he does it all the time to a member of a bunch of heroes, who is rather weak. And then there's a part where he has to escape and he has to jump across this large gap to...reach a bathroom? Hmm.

And then, in a dream the same night I dream there's some sort of videogame I'm playing and I am trying to get an item power-up thing and my older sister Azure says it's lame. I then tell her it actually has some cool buffs. Also, my character looks like a dog and a panda combined, leaning towards a panda.

I may have a problem...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So, it turns out this title may not be accurate anymore. Violet has flaked out on me, and probably won't be making any posts. So I will continue this by myself. I'll still write in green, as it's easy to see.

So a couple of nights ago I had yet another strange dream. I dreamed that I was in in my underwear, in public. It was embarrassing though. It was flesh colored, but it could still be told I was wearing them. I was also taller, thinner and slightly darker toned.

Look forward to more dreams soon, or failing that, interesting factoids about dreams.